This Is The Weirdest Job Interview Question And It’s Going Viral
I’ve interviewed for many jobs. It all started when I was 16. I’ve worked as a food runner, server, a cashier for a college merchandise retail store and a stock associate for another retail store. Most of these jobs were an additional job on top of working in radio part-time. Once I realized radio was starting to become a career path I started applying and interviewing for different markets. Even to this day, I’ve never been asked a question this weird.
This is definitely the most bizarre question I have ever seen on a job application
— Beeta (@beetagolsh) May 4, 2021
A lot of her followers are coming up with some pretty creative ideas but what a weird question! You can click to follow the thread. This reminded me of a question one of my radio bosses asked me a couple of years ago. You’re on the bank of a river. On your side there’s a big tree. On the other side there’s a boat. The river is filled with alligators. How do you safely cross the river to get the boat? I never had a logical answer and to this day I still don’t know what the right answer is. However for this question, my answer would be to introduce that elephant to my cats and make plans to send out the most adorable Christmas cards ever.