Here Are The Top 5 Most And Least Caffeinated States
I love caffeine and I don’t care what form it comes in. I get 98% of my caffeine from black coffee every single morning. Whether I wake up Monday though Friday at 7:00 AM, or Saturday and Sunday at Noon, I immediately go for the caffeine. While my morning requirement is two cups of coffee every day, I usually top out at about five total for the day. Outside of coffee, my second go-to fix are seltzer waters that contain about 35% of caffeine. I don’t always like to see the words I type vibrate on the screen.
Aside from perking you up for that Monday morning meeting or assist in curing a hangover, caffeine actually has some really good health benefits. According to Healthline, some benefits of consuming the right amounts of caffeine include improved energy levels, it can help you burn fat and it can drastically improve physical performance. You can check out the full list of benefits here! While these are all great benefits, caffeine isn’t as popular as I thought in the U.S. According to Zippia, the five most caffeinated states are Vermont, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Hawaii. The five least caffeinated states are Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey and New York. Check out the map and get the full list here!
For the states on the “least” list…I got you.