These Are The 5 Cutest Dog Breeds
There are so many breeds of dogs! Tall breeds, short breeds and all sizes in between. If you were to line-up multiple dogs in front of me and ask me which one was the cutest, there’s no way I’d be able to handle that. However, I’d be better at telling you which one has the best belly to rub or floppiest ears to massage. I love dogs! The only pets I’ve ever actually owned though are the two cats I have with my wife. One of them is the most dog-like cat you’ll ever meet because he was raised by a Golden Doodle. Here are the five cutest dog breeds according to a survey conducted by MoneyBeach:
5. Basset Hound
4. Labrador
3. Wire Fox Terrier
2. Irish Water Spaniel
1. Dalmatian
For the full list of cutest dogs and to find out which animal was voted cutest overall, click here!