One Woman Turned Thanksgiving Prep Into A Family Competition
One woman turned Thanksgiving prep into a family competition. When it comes to making a Thanksgiving side, I can hold my own when it comes to making mashed sweet potatoes. My brother was a chef for a long time and copied a recipe he used at one of the restaurants he worked at. Sure, the recipe calls for like five sticks of butter and a cup of brown sugar but they are my favorite Thanksgiving side dish and the only thing I’m fully confident in making.
A Thanksgiving Tradition
For the last couple of years, my wife and I have been home for Thanksgiving and we’ve actually started a fun tradition. We’ll wake up early and watch the parade while making orange cinnamon rolls. After the parade ends we’ll watch the dog show that comes on after while making something unique to snack on. This year we’re doing a charcuterie board of meats and cheeses which will hold us over while we cook our Thanksgiving food. It’s been a fun tradition, but when we do go see family for Thanksgiving I feel a bit overwhelmed in the kitchen.
Kitchen Shenanigans
When we do go see family for Thanksgiving we’ll start with visiting my wife’s family in Tennessee. She has a big family so it’s always held at her Grandparents’ house. For two solid hours after we get there, it’s impossible to be in the kitchen because everyone wants to help. It’s a little chaotic sometimes. When we visit my Mom is a little more laid back and my brother does the majority of the cooking. I always want to help but he zips around preparing everything. I play the role of the bartender and entertain my nieces.
Family Cooking Competition
Feeling left out of the kitchen can feel less stressful, but if you’re someone who just wants to be with family and help in any way possible then you should do what this girl did. She basically set up a spreadsheet of Thanksgiving meals and rated them on a points scale of one to three, one being the easiest and three being challenging. At the end of the night, everyone should have the same amount of points which means everyone did the same amount of work, including kitchen cleanup. I love this idea and I think it’s a great way for a family to bond even more at Thanksgiving. One woman turned Thanksgiving prep into a family competition and you can watch it below!