You Can Expect A Few New Floats At This Year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
You can expect a few new floats at this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and I can’t wait. For the last two years, my wife and I have actually been in town for Thanksgiving and this will be the third year. Our families are in other states and for reasons beyond our control for the last two years, we had to have Thanksgiving just the two of us. This year, Thanksgiving is 13 days away from our daughter being born so we absolutely won’t be traveling anywhere. I promised my wife that I’d be doing the Thanksgiving prepping and cooking. She’s waiting for me to say it’s some sort of a Thanksgiving pizza that you can actually buy here. I’m legit going to cook a smaller portioned turkey with a few fixings as we will actually be celebrating the last Thanksgiving where it’s just the two of us.
A Thanksgiving Tradition To Start
One of my favorite things to do on Thanksgiving is something most people do. I like to wake up early and watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade from beginning to end. I get up and make coffee for the two of us and enjoy the entire parade sitting in bed. This time next year I’ll have a new kind of excitement because I’ll get to watch it with our daughter who will almost be a year old. It’s a corny, cheesy, and simple tradition I can’t wait to start with her.
A Thanksgiving Breakfast
We definitely don’t eat a big breakfast for Thanksgiving because of the obvious, but my wife brought her little tradition into our marriage. She likes to eat orange cinnamon rolls on Thanksgiving morning for breakfast. Before I met her I didn’t even know they made orange cinnamon rolls. It’s a delicious way to start Thanksgiving in our opinion. No matter how you start your Turkey Day morning this year, you can expect a few new floats at this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and I can’t wait!