


Sure, most people think of turkey when it comes to Thanksgiving. I guess it’s a tradition.  But, while the turkey may be the centerpiece, it isn’t the only great thing about Thanksgiving, right?  What about the best Thanksgiving sides? For some, especially those who don’t like turkey, the sides are the most important part of the dinner. Unless we’re counting dessert.  Because that’s my favorite part!

Anyway, the Thanksgiving dinner is set.  The turkey is there, of course.  Whether it’s baked, smoked, or fried (my personal favorite), it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without it.  But then, we have to take a look at what’s around the turkey.  All of those sides! I don’t know about you guys, but there always seems to be quite the array of side items at our Thanksgiving dinner.  Especially when there used to be a bunch of extended family coming too.

There are the traditional sides: dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes… And then there are additional items that may vary from family to family.  Usually, there are at least a couple of casseroles.  Some people add in salads of some sort.  And then in my family, my sister and her family always request deviled eggs.

And don’t forget the bread!  If I’m choosing, I’d go with rolls… preferably the sweet Hawaiian type.  But being gluten-free this year, I’ll pass!  But from what I’ve gathered, my mom is going to include a pan of cornbread… along with the dressing.  Both of which, I don’t eat… and never have!

If you’re not cooking on Thanksgiving, here are some restaurants that will be open!

So I decided Fenway and I would choose our top 3 best Thanksgiving sides.  Let’s take a look and see who you think chose the best! (It’s probably NOT me… because I am quite the picky eater!)

  • Fenway's Top 3 Best Thanksgiving Sides

  • 3. Green Bean Casserole

    Green Bean Casserole

    Photo: Getty Images

  • 2. Mashed Sweet Potatoes

    Organic Homemade Mashed Sweet Potatoes

    Photo: bhofack2 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

  • 1. Stuffing

    Homemade thanksgiving stuffing in a white bowl

    Photo: Brent Hofacker / iStock / Getty Images

  • Blaine's Top 3 Best Thanksgiving Sides

  • 3. Butter Peas

    I don’t know why… but these were always a favorite growing up. And because I’m picky, and don’t do green beans, my mom usually makes some butter peas just for me! I also didn’t know they were “peas”.  I just thought it was butter beans.  But apparently, a butter pea is shaped like a pea, but has more of a butter bean taste.  You learn something new every day! I couldn’t find a picture for you… so these are lima beans.  Ha!

    Organic Raw Steamed Green Lima Beans

    Photo: bhofack2 / iStock / Getty Images Plus


  • 2. Macaroni and Cheese

    Again, being gluten-free this year, I won’t be able to enjoy this favorite of mine.  But who doesn’t love some good mac n cheese?!

    Mac and cheese. traditional american dish macaroni pasta and a cheese sauce

    Photo: iStockphoto / Getty Images

  • 1. Mashed Potatoes

    Yes, so traditional, I guess.  But I’ve always been a meat and potatoes kind of girl!  I love potatoes in almost any form, and especially my mama’s homemade mashed potatoes!

    Mashed Potatoes with Melted Butter

    Photo: iStock / Getty Images Plus

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