Imperfect and Awkward?
In case we haven’t met… let me introduce myself.
I’m Blaine, and I’m awkward.
You’re probably thinking, that’s an odd way to introduce yourself. But, let me explain. Growing up, I always kind of felt like I didn’t quite fit in. I was the kid who loved to read. In fact, I was reading before I went to kindergarten– thanks to my two older sisters! I was good at spelling. Not so good at math. I danced to the music in my head, much to the embarrassment of my mother (love you, mom!). Honestly, looking around at others, I realized I didn’t have a core friend group.
I just didn’t feel like I had a “place” you know? Then, after second grade, my mom decided to homeschool the three of us. Talk about WEIRD, right? It wasn’t super common around our area, but we went for it. I was homeschooled up until I graduated high school.
Being homeschooled did keep me from some “normal” activities. But it also allowed some flexibility too (taking a job in high school during other kids “school hours”). And at the age of 11, I started dance classes. I fell in love with dance. It quickly became a passion. I wound up dancing at two studios before it was over with. Finally ending up going to college as a dance major.
Well, Now What?
Obviously, you’re reading THIS… so dancing didn’t quite last. While I did love it, I finally realized my body was not going to love me if I continued. Thank you, scoliosis.
I went on to major in Mass Communications, fell in love with radio… and the rest is history, right?
But I still don’t feel like I fit in. And, I don’t think I’m the only one. I started reading The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown (remember, I love to read!).
And boy does this book speak to me! It talks about shame, vulnerability, imperfections, self-compassion and so much more. Things that may make some people uncomfortable, but it has been incredibly eye-opening. We’re all doing this thing called life together. Imperfectly. We all have stories. And Brown talks a lot about how being vulnerable and sharing your story is the way to living a wholehearted life in authenticity.
To be honest… that’s what I want. Do you tired of trying to be “perfect”? It’s exhausting! Hiding who you really are, because you’re afraid that people will think you’re weird or awkward? Again– exhausting.
Even though I’m not quite done with her book just yet, I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes from Brené Brown. She has a few books, and a super popular TED Talk too (video is down below!)
If any of these resonate with you… we should be friends! Awkward friends! 🙂 I know that some days are just TOUGH. I hope these quotes inspire you today.