Today I share with you Blaine’s Green Smoothie recipe! Since last summer, I have been incorporating a “green” smoothie pretty much every morning. I put green in quotes because mine actually turns more purple!
While I try to live a healthy lifestyle, people are always shocked to know that I don’t eat greens. Or many vegetables at all. I’m a meat, potatoes and bread kinda girl. But I know I need more greens in my diet. I have just always been a SUPER picky eater. I truly believe I’m a super taster (it’s a thing– see here). If I have even a tiny piece of lettuce on a taco, I can taste it.
I’ve developed anxiety around food because of my food choices. I eat like a toddler most of the time. I’ve always been anxious about eating new foods around people because honestly, I’ve been known to gag. I can’t control it. The food may be the best thing anyone’s every made, but my palette just doesn’t like it. I’m weird about tastes and textures. I love apples, but can’t do applesauce. UGH!
What I do eat, I try to make as healthy as possible. I usually grill or bake my meat. I use turkey versus beef for things like spaghetti and tacos. And I don’t eat a LOT of fast food. I bring my lunch to work 99.9% of the time.
Over the years, I’ve started making myself green smoothies (some recipes turned out better than others). But it wasn’t until early last summer that I really got serious about it. I typically get up, go to the gym, walk the dogs, then I usually walk or run on the treadmill. After that, I’m usually already feeling hungry, so I’ve started making my smoothie before I do my yoga and stretching. The only time I may not get the smoothie in is on the weekends when my schedule tends to get off. But even then, I try really hard to keep it up.
Drinking my smoothie each day helps with many things– mostly my appetite, and digestive system. I haven’t really noted a huge boost in energy or anything. But I know that getting some greens in is definitely better than nothing. And yes, I know I need MORE than just some spinach each morning– but hey– baby steps!