A Guy Lost His Car, Stole a New One, Let It Get Hit by a Train, and Then Flagged Down a Cop for Help
(Martin County Sheriff's Office)
A guy in Florida left a bar Friday night and couldn’t find his car. So he stole someone else’s car . . .and that is just the start to this guys busy night.
After Bradford Weitzel allegedly stole the car from the bar he was drinking at he then left it on a set of train tracks, bailing out before it got HIT by a train and launched into a neighboring home. According to police he then ran from that scene to a nearby fruit stand and vandalized it.
There he attempted to steal a forklift before finally trying to flag down a cop to help him find his car that was missing to start this whole crazy night.
He was arrested and is being charged with grand theft and criminal mischief, with other charges expected to come as well.