MSN recently released a list of 20 songs that people say are played too much. Some of the artists mentioned include Justin Timberlake, Ariana Grande, and even Harry Styles! It’s tough being in the radio business. We know we can’t please everybody but sure do try to come close. Maybe the people that were surveyed were reminded of a bad breakup, tequila shots that went completely wrong, or one bad night of food poisoning. As long as you let music into your life make it the music that puts you in the best mood.
One I did agree with on this list was “Wonderwall” by Oasis. I think that’s because wherever there’s live music at a bar, that song is guaranteed to be on the setlist. Other songs I’m tired of hearing that didn’t make the list include anything by Nickelback and Hinder. Check out the full list of songs people say are played too much below!