Married Men Spill What They Look Forward To Doing When Home Alone
Being married and living with your partner’s great for so many reasons. But if you are living with your partner, you probably know how indulgent it can be when you have the whole place to yourself. What exactly do married men do when they’re home alone? Well, Redditor u/Kitkatcrusher asked just that, “Men of Reddit, what’s the first thing you do when the wife and kids just left the house for a few hours?”
Here’s what married men say they do when they’re home alone…
- “I take five decorative pillows off the bed and put them in the closet until the morning of her return.”
- “I cook a package of bacon and save the drippings. I cook basically everything in that fat until it’s gone. My wife and daughter are vegetarians.”
- “FINALLY, a chance to clean up without anyone in the way! Turn up the music and bust out the broom and mop and rags! Go outside for a smoke and get to it!”
- “I don’t know, but it’s not gonna involve pants.”
- “Back in my early 20s, I would immediately pull the mattress off the bed and drag it into the living room, drive to Hooters and grab a giant bucket of wings, then come home and sit on my living room bed eating wings while watching porn. Now, in my mid-40s, I fire up Farming Simulator and an audiobook.”
- “Recliner leg support up, throw pillow behind the neck, room temp adjusted for prime napping conditions, phone ringer on silent, cat full of treats and situated in my lap, and then I grab some of that sweet, sweet sleep that has been stolen from me in various ways. Bonus if there’s some type of sports on at a low volume for background noise.”
I agree with the cleaning the house one. I throw a few things away when the kids and wifey are gone. I also lay around in my boxers with the tv or music blasting. Playstation is also on full blast!
For even more married men spilling the beans, click HERE!
Steve Maney’s radio career has taken him all over the US, from interning with Howard Stern to working with Elvis Duran, this radio veteran now calls Charlotte and Kiss 95.1 home. He is Kiss’ staple entertainment guy writing about his thoughts on local news and funny topics like the name of the male Karen. It’s so much to know, but Maney will deep dive into any topic to get you a great piece to read.