Everybody Needs This Napkin Holder In Their Car
Everybody needs this napkin holder for their car. It happens every time my wife and I go on road trips. We have a Dunkin’ Donuts right by our house and no matter what we order before we hit the road, they usually give us enough napkins for a family of 16. Now that we have a newborn, we need anything and everything that can be considered as a cloth that wipes up a mess. Fast food napkins always seem to do the job in clutch situations. Did you spill your coffee on the gear stick? Find that Starbucks napkin from the weekend. Random runny nose? Just use that Arby’s napkin from last week. Who cares if it has a slight hot sauce smear on it? It’s going to give you the relief you need for at least the next 20 minutes. One of the worst feelings is when you think that you have napkins and realize you don’t when you’re in need. There’s no such thing as having too many extra fast food napkins in your car. That’s why everybody needs this napkin holder for their car.
A Napkin Holder For Your Glove Box
Chipotle beat the other restaurants to the punch when it comes to pleasing the consumer. For that, I applaud them! We have all of these fast food napkins in our glove box, but no napkin holder. I’ve used zip-lock bags before and have been gifted packs of wet-naps to keep in my car and use as napkins when I need one. But, never have I ever had an actual napkin holder for the variety of fast food napkins I have in my glove box. The best part is that they’re all the same size. Well done Chipotle! Now when I reach for my checkbook to pay that one business that only takes checks or cash, I’m sure to grab my checkbook without accidentally grabbing two or three fast food napkins. Check out the napkin holder here!