Get To Know… Blaine!
1. It’s the weekend, are you staying up late, or getting up early?
Getting up early, always. I’m usually up by 6:30am on the weekends- sometime much earlier!
2. Do you have a snack stash in your desk? If so, what’s in it?
Currently… a protein bar, trail mix, almonds… and a banana.
3. Does pineapple go on pizza?
YES! I don’t eat this near enough… now I’m craving Hawaiian pizza.
4. What’s your Waffle House go-to meal?
It’s been ages since I’ve been to a Waffle House. Probably the All Star Breakfast though. Eggs, scrambled with cheese. Grits (gonna mix them with my eggs). More than likely won’t eat toast… definitely going for the waffle. And BACON of course!
5. What’s one word your 1st grade teacher would use to describe you?
6. Are Croc’s acceptable shoes to wear in public?
Uh… nope. Just not a fan!
7. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmmm… probably chips and queso. LOL
8. What’s your spirit animal?
TIGER! My favorite animal (aside from dogs of course).
9. Andy and Barney OR Ross and Rachel?
Ehhh… Don’t really have a preference. I never really got into either of the shows. If I had to choose, probably Andy and Barney.
10. Could you give up your cell phone for a week for no money?
This would be a tough one for me. I’ll admit, I’m addicted. Especially if I’m not getting paid to give it up.
11. What’s one invention you wish you would have created?
Probably cell phones. Or radios. They’re EVERYWHERE! I’d be RICH!